1.   After all, such lopsided enthusiasm indicates that you feel well equipped to tell judges how to do their jobs.

2.   An instinct involves not only the impulse to do something, but also specific instructions on how to do it.

3.   And how does the Persian Gulf War rate as one of the great battles of all time?

4.   And it gives a rudimentary account of how I can do this.

5.   And when, on the street, guys asked how he was doing he said just fine.

6.   Because you sacked Jim, how dare you do it?

7.   But assuming for the moment that we can do better than fight over the trough, how do we do it?

8.   But how did he do on the nitty-gritty?

9.   But how do you do that?

10.   He just called to check in and tell them how he was doing.

d. + do >>共 432
not 10.09%
well 7.65%
more 4.84%
better 4.38%
how 3.69%
now 2.97%
never 2.68%
also 2.42%
again 2.30%
so 2.29%
how + v. >>共 812
be 5.85%
do 3.36%
get 3.29%
feel 2.74%
make 2.45%
use 2.08%
work 2.04%
handle 1.84%
go 1.73%
deal 1.53%
每页显示:    共 2146