81.   Definitive evidence will probably come only with the return of Mars rock samples.

82.   Despite their progress, the youngest workers will probably come up short in retirement unless they take drastic steps.

83.   Deputy Treasury Secretary Lawrence H. Summers said he was pleased with the market reception, with a lot probably coming from large institutions.

84.   Even a municipal bond would probably come out ahead, and the interest there is tax-free.

85.   Even Cronan concedes that the time has probably come to give the privateers at Edison a shot.

86.   For audio-only clips, use the voice-recording software that probably came with your computer.

87.   For both, the waiting will probably come to a crashing conclusion Saturday night.

88.   For roster shuffles, though, the Yankees have probably come closest to the Marlins in numbers.

89.   For Fort Worth resident Rona Stratton Smith, such a call will probably come much sooner than she had expected.

90.   Further cuts will probably come after Christmas.

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later 2.29%
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probably + v. >>共 943
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