1.   A time when adventure came first and pure athleticism played only a minor role in the great climbing game.

2.   And the cultural difference is even more pronounced when it comes to personnel.

3.   As you are painfully aware, when it comes to being handy, I can barely work a shower curtain.

4.   At that time Venturous was undergoing engine repairs and some of the crew were on rest days when the call came.

5.   Because when he was coming along he was always getting me to tell him the story about you.

6.   Blood is very toxic to neurons, which stop working and often die when the blood comes in direct contact with them.

7.   But Tsongas turned those views around when he came out on top, beating rival Clinton in the New Hampshire primary.

8.   By precisely how much we shall see when we come to look at the attempts to sell them to private investors.

9.   Carolyn was cautious about the times when she came downstairs.

10.   Dennis Sherman learned that harsh reality over the winter when he came across two large groups of illegal immigrants atop Mount Laguna.

d. + come >>共 439
also 7.80%
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later 2.29%
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when + v. >>共 815
be 14.56%
come 2.60%
have 2.10%
go 2.09%
take 1.91%
begin 1.91%
get 1.48%
say 1.42%
start 1.22%
play 1.16%
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