31.   Angels catcher Greg Myers probably will come off the disabled list on Saturday, according to Lachemann.

32.   And were it not, by the time they reached adulthood, it probably would have come to them through osmosis.

33.   Any special stimulus for the economy would probably come in the form of a supplementary budget, which could only pass after the general budget was approved.

34.   Anyone hoping to hear a grand rescue plan for Apple Computer Inc. probably came away disappointed.

35.   Any legal action will probably come only after the strike starts, and a lot depends on whether Congress decides to strip baseball of its trust-exempt status.

36.   Angels catcher Greg Myers probably will come off the disabled list on Saturday, according to Angels manager Marcel Lachemann.

37.   Any improvement would probably come too late for most of the children now lying listlessly in their hospital beds here.

38.   As it is, the baby will probably come just as the House is finishing work on the federal budget.

39.   Asked once where the Beatles got their sense of humor, Paul McCartney told Playboy magazine that it probably came from listening to Freberg and Lenny Bruce.

40.   At best, he said, geologists probably will come only within two to three miles of the exact site.

d. + come >>共 439
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later 2.29%
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probably + v. >>共 943
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come 1.30%
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