51.   Acceptance probably came easily in light of his immediate contributions.

52.   After some shiny buttons that probably came from a crew jacket were found, they were hoping for gold, they said.

53.   After that, he said, it will probably come back to Georgia.

54.   But Conrad is not likely to be as accommodating as Domenici would have been when the defense spending bill comes up, probably after the August congressional recess.

55.   But as with the environment, legislation will probably come only after there is broad grass-roots support, legitimate leadership and agreement on what should be done.

56.   But he acknowledged that since a majority of members wanted to debate the bill, it would probably come up at some point.

57.   But if the ACC waits that long, the SEC will probably come in and lock up the Dome with a multiyear deal.

58.   But if the attacks are launched after the ballots are sent out to voters, they will probably come too late to have any effect.

59.   But in the end, it will probably mostly come down to price.

60.   But it probably came close.

d. + come >>共 439
also 7.80%
never 4.13%
first 3.88%
now 3.72%
when 3.56%
where 2.81%
then 2.75%
still 2.32%
later 2.29%
just 2.03%
probably 0.97%
probably + v. >>共 943
be 14.53%
have 6.21%
take 1.91%
go 1.77%
make 1.75%
do 1.55%
get 1.43%
come 1.30%
will 1.28%
know 1.23%
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