1.   Air pollution and energy conservation aside, private vehicles also come under attack when we consider rural and urban environments.

2.   An ambitious reclamation scheme on the south coast also came to nothing around this time.

3.   As for football, it also came under the hammer for the usual reasons.

4.   As we shall see later, the economic performance of the Magnox reactors has also come under increasing scrutiny.

5.   But an alternative explanation had also come to him which he knew he should not ignore.

6.   Flat-tax proposals also have come from Rep.

7.   From the cinema itself there also came a piercing cry.

8.   Horses also come in different heights and breeds, horses start from the height of fourteen-two hands high.

9.   If the monetary system topples the economic system will also come crashing down.

d. + come >>共 439
also 7.80%
never 4.13%
first 3.88%
now 3.72%
when 3.56%
where 2.81%
then 2.75%
still 2.32%
later 2.29%
just 2.03%
also + v. >>共 856
say 5.73%
be 5.05%
have 4.37%
make 1.46%
include 1.16%
take 1.08%
call 1.07%
want 1.00%
help 0.99%
expect 0.91%
come 0.56%
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