41.   At least some of those sales probably came at the expense of its big brother, the original Montero.

42.   Because of the colder water flowing downstream, he said, the best fishing probably will come in April and will last through early May.

43.   Bird probably came away with a few surprises.

44.   Bodies would probably come home in coffins.

45.   -- The dollar, often seen as a safe-haven currency in times of crisis, would probably come under attack.

46.   A decision on that mission is not expected soon and probably would not come without a breakthrough in the Middle East peace effort, one defense official said.

47.   A decision on that mission is not expected soon and probably would not come without a breakthrough in the Middle East peace process, one defense official said.

48.   A final ruling would probably come long after many of these elected or appointed officials have left office.

49.   A. If there are no roof leaks, then the water is probably coming from overflowing gutters.

50.   A vote has not yet been scheduled, but will probably come sometime in March.

d. + come >>共 439
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probably + v. >>共 943
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