1.   A canary the bald eagle is not, but it should serve to warn us.

2.   A number of misleading claims are made by companies suggesting that their products are environmentally friendly when clearly they are not.

3.   A prodigal daughter, I had learned in only one day, I was not.

4.   After all, these chairs were built to be used, not to be museum pieces.

5.   Airline staff must be courteous at all times, even when passengers are not.

6.   Although a rock is a collection of the chemical elements that make it up, those elements are not distributed randomly.

7.   And although federally sponsored hospitals for specific diseases are uncommon in the United States, federally sponsored places of confinement are not.

8.   And if accountants are not to be commercial, who is it who will regulate their fees, incomes and salaries?

9.   And if it was not, what in the wide world was it?

d. + be >>共 431
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not + v. >>共 860
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