1.   A further delay before I am on my feet and, in fact, it is now tomorrow.

2.   A glance at the map made Charles pretty sure that that gun was now in the Thames.

3.   A husband-and-wife gold medal-winning combination at the same Olympiad-now that is unique.

4.   A member of the primary health care team has now been designated liaison officer and all messages are passed to her.

5.   A trust has now been able to acquire it and take the first steps towards long-term restoration.

6.   A year ago it seemed that a peace treaty looked possible, but now the outlook is much gloomier.

7.   After considerable Market research, several new products are now in the pipeline.

d. + be >>共 431
also 9.77%
now 5.95%
so 4.39%
not 3.58%
always 3.27%
never 3.12%
where 3.06%
when 2.76%
still 2.42%
already 2.09%
now + v. >>共 862
be 15.90%
have 5.49%
do 1.66%
live 1.61%
know 1.53%
come 1.37%
go 1.35%
want 1.16%
face 1.12%
work 1.10%
每页显示:    共 16597