1.   All of this is highly unethical, not to say illegal.

2.   All this is not to say that Basil was incapable of showing normal human impatience or intolerance.

3.   But that is not to say he does not feel afraid.

4.   But that is not to say that Sierra Leone is not worth saving.

5.   During the election campaign Bush was careful not to say outright that he would bring the boys home from the Balkans.

6.   I have authorised his scheme, but that is not to say it will ever come about.

7.   In some ways, Livesey seems to have led an abstemious, not to say ascetic life.

8.   In the face of such talent, not to say courage, how could I expose her?

9.   It was inconsiderate of him not to say that he would be late.

d. + say >>共 317
also 40.94%
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not + v. >>共 860
be 12.85%
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mention 2.22%
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