1.   A growing number had already been worrying about the social and corporate consequences of such massive restructurings.

2.   A procession of Treasure Island pirates carrying cardboard boxes bulging with beer bottles were already noisily boarding the coach.

3.   A trend had already been set in textiles, where the comparative advantage of cheap labour was becoming important.

4.   All three countries were already in a deep recession last summer, which the war has made worse.

5.   Already it is difficult to predict what will happen when you plug two large and complex systems together.

6.   Already she was terrified of what lay ahead.

7.   Already the moon was up, a full moon bathing everything in a pale blue light.

8.   Already there are many treatments which destroy cancer cells.

9.   Already there are reports of testimony suggesting that Steffi knew of the alleged tax-evasion scam all along.

d. + be >>共 431
also 9.77%
now 5.95%
so 4.39%
not 3.58%
always 3.27%
never 3.12%
where 3.06%
when 2.76%
still 2.42%
already 2.09%
already + v. >>共 900
be 9.57%
have 5.78%
begin 2.65%
make 1.95%
take 1.63%
know 1.57%
do 1.37%
start 1.25%
say 1.20%
see 0.78%
每页显示:    共 5838