1.   A body could also be a traitor, indulging urges alien to intellect and emotion.

2.   A civic society should also be a free one.

3.   A degree of violence might also be sufficient to control certain types of behaviour for which conviction was difficult or unlikely.

4.   A dictionary of synonyms and antonyms might also be useful.

5.   A diet rich in fibre tends also to be low in fat content because carbohydrate foods provide many of the calories.

6.   A shop should also be able to demonstrate the availability of spare parts for the board you have selected.

7.   A significant fertility Decline has also been recorded, most of it attained before the enactment of the one-child policy.

8.   A sudden change in water temperature can also be lethal.

9.   A wholesale buying facility can also be a very useful part of a factory visit or a fact-finding interview at head office.

d. + be >>共 431
also 9.77%
now 5.95%
so 4.39%
not 3.58%
always 3.27%
never 3.12%
where 3.06%
when 2.76%
still 2.42%
already 2.09%
also + v. >>共 856
say 5.73%
be 5.05%
have 4.37%
make 1.46%
include 1.16%
take 1.08%
call 1.07%
want 1.00%
help 0.99%
expect 0.91%
每页显示:    共 27243