1.   After a long discussion with her father, she Decided not to take the job.

2.   Allied Colloids is accused of failing to store dangerous substances safely and not taking proper fire precautions.

3.   America was persuaded not to take up the option of military action.

4.   Another factor not taken into account before the election was the number of expatriate Tory voters registered in Marginal constituencies.

5.   At Miami, too, I Decided not to take any vows about keeping out of politics.

6.   Bridget was careful not to take him for granted.

7.   But hangover sufferers should be careful not to take too many painkillers at one go.

8.   Coleman chastised the board for not taking action sooner.

9.   For her, coitus releases progesterone into her system, calming her, but not taking her into sleep.

d. + take >>共 428
also 13.83%
seriously 3.65%
not 3.35%
then 3.13%
never 3.06%
now 2.60%
longer 2.50%
when 2.39%
already 2.36%
just 2.25%
not + v. >>共 860
be 12.85%
do 7.56%
have 4.06%
mention 2.22%
take 1.82%
make 1.46%
will 1.39%
say 1.34%
go 1.20%
know 1.20%
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