1.   Most recently, global positioning system units have given hikers their precise location by satellite.

2.   Does the global system really exist?

3.   This is because, for the most part, they conceptualize the state and its agencies as by far the most importantactors in the global system.

4.   Classical Marxists refuse to accept, either empirically or theoretically, that the state is the most important actor in the global system.

5.   For Marxists, the global system is the capitalist global system, and the most important actors are the capitalist classes in the most powerful states.

6.   This book argues that we need to take a step towards a sociology of the global system.

7.   We cannot ignore the nation-state, but this book attempts to offer in addition a conception of the global system based on transnational practices.

8.   The TNPs make sense only in the context of the global system.

a. + system >>共 925
new 7.36%
banking 3.04%
financial 3.02%
current 3.01%
political 2.87%
legal 2.87%
judicial 1.85%
such 1.39%
old 1.33%
sound 1.13%
global 0.86%
global + n. >>共 909
economy 6.56%
market 4.64%
trade 3.40%
system 1.95%
network 1.51%
competition 1.50%
slowdown 1.47%
investor 1.33%
computer 1.23%
demand 1.17%
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