1.   And some critics of a global warming slowdown even argue that it might have an overall economic benefit, largely by lengthening growing seasons.

2.   A global economic slowdown did not help.

3.   A global slowdown poses much greater risks to a company selling beer in places where it is, comparatively, an expensive luxury.

4.   A weakened demand for energy has nudged prices lower, thanks to the global economic slowdown, combined with continued high levels of production from oil-producing countries.

5.   But once they settle in and survey what is looking more and more like a global slowdown, what are their options?

6.   But with a global economic slowdown making lending risks harder to quantify, banks have been experimenting with different approaches.

7.   Commercial airplane orders will be down significantly this year because of the global economic slowdown, executives of The Boeing Co. and rival Airbus Industrie warned Sunday.

8.   Concern about an Asian-led global slowdown, which cuts demand for European goods and services, hobbled stock markets in Germany, Sweden, Switzerland and France.

9.   Concern about an Asian-led global slowdown, which cuts demand for European goods and services, hobbled stock markets in Belgium, Sweden, Switzerland and France.

10.   Disaster has been averted, but there are signs of a global slowdown.

a. + slowdown >>共 237
economic 51.28%
global 6.73%
current 5.55%
sharp 2.10%
expected 1.77%
recent 1.30%
general 1.21%
worldwide 1.21%
possible 1.09%
sales 1.06%
global + n. >>共 909
economy 6.56%
market 4.64%
trade 3.40%
system 1.95%
network 1.51%
competition 1.50%
slowdown 1.47%
investor 1.33%
computer 1.23%
demand 1.17%
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