1.   Many predict that electronic commerce will propel global computer networks from the fringe into the core of business.

2.   On-line debate discussion groups also will take place on the Internet, the global computer network.

3.   The Ottawa-based maker of computerized communications equipment cashed in on optimistic prospects for the Internet, the global computer network.

4.   Although the total population of the global computer network called the Internet is a subject of considerable debate, there is no doubt that it is growing very fast.

5.   Among other companies in the state index was a parade of other stocks that make products used on the Internet, a global computer communications network.

6.   America Online made several acquisitions during the quarter to beef up its service and to offer access to the Internet, the global computer network.

7.   And millions of Americans own computers to relay information over the Internet global computer network.

8.   And such a device is the only solution to a decentralized global computer network that is beyond the reach of any government to monitor or regulate, Berman said.

9.   Another is Westport-based Mecklermedia Corp., which publishes periodicals about the Internet and organizes conferences about the global computer network.

10.   Banks increasingly want to let consumers perform transactions on the global computer network, and California is among the biggest markets.

a. + computer >>共 1822
new 8.77%
hand-held 2.35%
portable 2.26%
powerful 2.06%
global 2.00%
handheld 1.63%
corporate 1.33%
old 1.26%
central 1.22%
large 1.16%
global + n. >>共 909
economy 6.56%
market 4.64%
trade 3.40%
system 1.95%
network 1.51%
competition 1.50%
slowdown 1.47%
investor 1.33%
computer 1.23%
demand 1.17%
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