1.   Also, with Internet, the global network of computer networks, beginning to catch on in the region, the home market is beginning to sizzle.

2.   American officials call it a global terrorist network.

3.   And as rivals rushed to build global networks, the prices for these services have plummeted.

4.   And the stealth and style of the attack indicated that many of the millions of computers connected to the global Internet network could be at risk.

5.   And they would enlist Bill Gates, the church and the United Nations to help them oversee the global network.

6.   As a result, corrupt data were sent to the other crucial Internet directory computers, causing a cascade of bad address information through the entire global network.

7.   As it is a global network with no central control, there is no order and no index to the enormous amount of information available via computers.

8.   As the global network of computers blossomed, companies of all stripes dove onto the Web, where information had traditionally been open to all comers.

9.   At the Colorado center, American officials will share data from the US global early warning network.

10.   At some schools, the hot topic is how to get students on the Internet, the global network of computer networks, to do their homework assignments.

a. + network >>共 1253
broadcast 4.73%
terrorist 4.14%
major 3.88%
new 3.16%
wireless 3.15%
global 2.59%
national 2.37%
the 2.04%
corporate 1.98%
international 1.52%
global + n. >>共 909
economy 6.56%
market 4.64%
trade 3.40%
system 1.95%
network 1.51%
competition 1.50%
slowdown 1.47%
investor 1.33%
computer 1.23%
demand 1.17%
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