1.   But in an increasingly integrated global economy, pronouncing a crisis over is a risky game.

2.   But, says the bank, countries that have cut themselves off from the global economy have slipped behind.

3.   Clearly those who run the global economy consider success in that area the prerequisite to meeting all other challenges.

4.   Countries splinter, regional trading blocs grow, the global economy becomes ever more interconnected.

5.   Education is the life raft he offers workers buffeted by the choppy currents of the global economy.

6.   Far more than the usual call for school reform to produce more competitive workers in the global economy.

7.   In the global economy, competitiveness is a race with no finish line, and gains in competitiveness are fleeting.

8.   Its premise, that a robust global economy is a prerequisite for healthy local societies, needs to be rethought.

9.   Meanwhile for the transnational companies that dominate the global coffee economy, the slump in coffee prices is generating windfall gains.

10.   Multinational companies create, in effect, a global economy.

a. + economy >>共 567
global 4.44%
slowing 4.17%
japanese 3.91%
strong 3.15%
asian 2.99%
local 2.91%
american 2.43%
new 2.41%
national 2.03%
booming 1.98%
global + n. >>共 909
economy 6.56%
market 4.64%
trade 3.40%
system 1.95%
network 1.51%
competition 1.50%
slowdown 1.47%
investor 1.33%
computer 1.23%
demand 1.17%
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