1.   They fear it could have an adverse effect on global financial markets.

2.   ...the recent tumult in global financial markets.

3.   Given good contacts and a lot of nerve, Moscow is an excellent place to make money in a Russia which is wide open to the global market.

4.   AS TENCEL garments begin to appear in more top stores across America, the assault on global markets is spreading wider, and moving faster.

5.   All three companies see sports programming as way to penetrate global markets.

6.   Americans are simply better disposed toward a global market whose benefits they now sense.

7.   Analysts said they expected trading revenue to be lower because of global market volatility.

8.   Analysts say if the measure is defeated, it could impact global financial markets, affecting the price of the dollar and pushing down bond prices.

9.   Analysts said that shielding Malaysia from the ravages of the global market could pay short-term dividends.

10.   And global market forces, such as the decline in salmon prices, are also a factor.

a. + market >>共 657
financial 10.17%
emerging 3.43%
asian 3.19%
broader 2.97%
new 2.81%
free 2.60%
european 2.57%
international 2.33%
japanese 2.21%
local 2.04%
global 1.61%
global + n. >>共 909
economy 6.56%
market 4.64%
trade 3.40%
system 1.95%
network 1.51%
competition 1.50%
slowdown 1.47%
investor 1.33%
computer 1.23%
demand 1.17%
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