81.   Sprint also said it increased its international services for the Internet, the global computer network.

82.   Surging sales of personal computers in Japan are triggering interest in online services and the Internet, the global computer network.

83.   Such criticisms are unfair, because ICANN has had only a short time to learn how to guide the global computer network, said its chairman, Vinton Cerf.

84.   Taiwan has built its economy over the last two decades by becoming the subcontractor of choice for the global computer industry.

85.   That way, credit card information cannot be stolen by outsiders over the Internet -- the global computer network.

86.   Teenagers find it easier to communicate on the Internet, the global computer network.

87.   That is not to say that the global computer network was ignored by lawmakers.

88.   The bill currently includes a provision to control indecency over the Internet, the global computer network.

89.   The cases demonstrate the instant strength that the global computer network gives opponents of governments and religions.

90.   The company also makes computer programs providing security for purchases made on the Internet, the global computer network.

a. + computer >>共 1822
new 8.77%
hand-held 2.35%
portable 2.26%
powerful 2.06%
global 2.00%
handheld 1.63%
corporate 1.33%
old 1.26%
central 1.22%
large 1.16%
global + n. >>共 909
economy 6.56%
market 4.64%
trade 3.40%
system 1.95%
network 1.51%
competition 1.50%
slowdown 1.47%
investor 1.33%
computer 1.23%
demand 1.17%
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