41.   American intelligence officials confirm that flow has stopped in recent days.

42.   American jets flew much lower than they have in recent days, apparently trying to provide close air support for alliance forces.

43.   American officials monitoring developments said they thought Fujimori had reinforced his control over the armed forces in recent days.

44.   American officials said in recent days that they are still assessing the Total transaction and have yet to decide whether the Clinton administration will impose sanctions.

45.   American officials here repeated their position on Tuesday that after the Iraqi troop buildup in recent days, President Saddam Hussein has little credibility on any score.

46.   Analysts have upgraded Compaq in recent days.

47.   Analysts said Iran, Iraq, Syria and Libya have all bought cargoes of refined white sugar in recent days, encouraged by the recent slump in prices.

48.   Analysts said there was concern in recent days that the results could have been much worse.

49.   An anti-Taliban alliance in Afghanistan said on Tuesday that its troops had sighted bin Laden in Afghanistan in recent days.

50.   And as Gingrich has demonstrated so ably in recent days, a story line can be constructed that blames anti-poverty programs for virtually every evil known to man.

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