31.   Experimental versions of Mr. Showbiz have been posted on the Internet, a global network of millions of computers, for the last few weeks.

32.   Everywhere in China, fax machines already offer instantaneous links to a global network.

33.   Europe Online built itself around the Internet, the global network of computers.

34.   Farmer created and distributed over the Internet a program called Satan, which can probe for chinks in the armor of any computer system connected to the global network.

35.   For consumers, that could mean abandoning hope for a seamless global wireless network.

36.   He has two telephones as well, one always connected to a global network of stock and commodities traders.

37.   He urged the government to support a proposed global network to monitor such diseases.

38.   If corporations provide solid leadership for marketing, they will be in a position to exploit the full potential of a global marketing network.

39.   If the company is to set new technology standards for that global network of networks, it needs to get major content providers to go along.

40.   If international agreements were in place, so the argument goes, countries would not need to cloister themselves off from the global network.

a. + network >>共 1253
broadcast 4.73%
terrorist 4.14%
major 3.88%
new 3.16%
wireless 3.15%
global 2.59%
national 2.37%
the 2.04%
corporate 1.98%
international 1.52%
global + n. >>共 909
economy 6.56%
market 4.64%
trade 3.40%
system 1.95%
network 1.51%
competition 1.50%
slowdown 1.47%
investor 1.33%
computer 1.23%
demand 1.17%
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