1.   A dispute over what they do mean is, in principle, like a legal dispute over the meaning of a statute.

2.   A single example serves to illustrate what I mean.

3.   And let me explain what I meant by that silly passage in my last letter, about expensively dressed girls.

4.   As I stride across the plain I feel I have a glimmering of what it means.

5.   BBut you see what I mean.

6.   Before the managers could begin to understand what providing leadership meant, they had to grasp these fundamental ideas.

7.   Before we go any further we need to define what we mean by stress.

8.   Bryant always says what he means, without qualification or evasion.

9.   But I knew what he meant.

10.   But no one really knows what it means.

v. + what >>共 330
do 26.27%
say 7.82%
mean 4.93%
see 4.49%
call 4.39%
think 4.08%
want 3.20%
know 3.14%
expect 2.45%
have 2.11%
mean + r. >>共 52
what 41.99%
it 9.50%
nothing 8.90%
something 6.80%
that 5.38%
little 4.35%
more 4.03%
anything 3.44%
everything 2.40%
so_much 1.91%
每页显示:    共 2467