1.   According to my understanding of the letter, it means something quite different.

2.   Of course the relationship meant something to me.

3.   Others also emphasised the study skills dimension of the library plan, but meant something much narrower by it.

4.   Underachievement, however, means something rather different when the focus of educational concern is black pupils.

5.   You need to use analogies which will mean something to the reader.

6.   I can support a cause that means something to me.

7.   He is willing to extend his generosity to people who mean something to him or are of the same religion.

8.   Yeah, it does mean something.

9.   Or does it mean something else?

v. + something >>共 591
do 21.44%
have 12.40%
say 6.31%
know 2.69%
learn 2.28%
see 2.20%
give 2.09%
mean 2.03%
get 1.70%
try 1.67%
mean + r. >>共 52
what 41.99%
it 9.50%
nothing 8.90%
something 6.80%
that 5.38%
little 4.35%
more 4.03%
anything 3.44%
everything 2.40%
so_much 1.91%
每页显示:    共 400