1.   And yet, we do know something just as vital.

2.   But he does know something about sticking it out.

3.   But he knew something about lying low.

4.   He liked a good gossip and knew something about everybody in the area.

5.   If we say we know something, a personal and responsible commitment to what we know is assumed in our claim.

6.   Pawlowski knows a little something about horsepower.

7.   She was grizzled old woman with a beer belly and voice to match, and she knew something about justice.

8.   Something is known of the physical nature of the change in the synapse.

9.   Thanking her at the door, he asked who at the committee might know something and be willing to talk about it.

10.   The pool of prospective jurors all knew something about Madonna, and many said they had her recordings.

v. + something >>共 591
do 21.44%
have 12.40%
say 6.31%
know 2.69%
learn 2.28%
see 2.20%
give 2.09%
mean 2.03%
get 1.70%
try 1.67%
know + r. >>共 53
it 18.60%
he 12.40%
that 11.09%
what 7.64%
nothing 6.63%
this 4.76%
little 4.41%
they 4.13%
who 3.81%
each_other 3.23%
something 2.57%
每页显示:    共 529