1.   A bank of young men who meant nothing to me.

2.   By now we know the Republican platform means nothing.

3.   For an aeon of time the words meant nothing.

4.   Her legs ached already from the walk which once would have meant nothing to her.

5.   It began with muffled voices that meant nothing.

6.   One such is the following chart, which can be used to devise typical bureaucratic phrases that sound impressive but mean nothing.

7.   Politics meant nothing to me for years.

8.   She told me, in a voice full of hatred and contempt, that I meant nothing to her.

v. + nothing >>共 212
have 28.39%
do 21.29%
say 8.44%
know 6.65%
mean 2.55%
find 2.02%
get 1.56%
hear 1.52%
see 1.45%
leave 1.38%
mean + r. >>共 52
what 41.99%
it 9.50%
nothing 8.90%
something 6.80%
that 5.38%
little 4.35%
more 4.03%
anything 3.44%
everything 2.40%
so_much 1.91%
每页显示:    共 523