1.   Because of advances in technology, we are able to try something that has never been attempted before.

2.   He felt sure in his bones that their man would try something tonight.

3.   If you have been meaning to knit with the garter carriage, why not try something very simple?

4.   In large organizations, the number of roadblocks and low points can seem infinite, particularly when something new is being tried.

5.   It also leads the doctor to the obvious conclusion - try something different.

6.   Liz was itching to try something different.

7.   No, seriously, I thought I might try something in horticulture.

8.   Now Dively is trying something even more unusual.

9.   Thirteen states are trying something similar to the medical savings accounts, he said.

10.   It would be nice to try something different.

v. + something >>共 591
do 21.44%
have 12.40%
say 6.31%
know 2.69%
learn 2.28%
see 2.20%
give 2.09%
mean 2.03%
get 1.70%
try 1.67%
try + r. >>共 53
it 27.13%
he 17.83%
they 11.64%
something 9.58%
that 7.41%
everything 6.51%
anything 3.30%
this 3.21%
who 2.75%
she 1.65%
每页显示:    共 329