1.   After successfully completing this course, you would then normally have to undertake a two year training contract.

2.   Again and again, Ishmael is faced with the impossibility of successfully completing his task.

3.   However, the job was successfully completed and the new medical records department is bug free.

4.   However, the riding test can be waived if you successfully complete a special training program.

5.   Hundreds of people begin the training programme, but only a small number complete it successfully.

6.   I am also happy to say that the perturbation maneuver has been successfully completed.

7.   Many firms pay all or part of the costs for those who successfully complete courses.

8.   Students who successfully complete the work will receive a new degree, a graduate certificate in public health.

d. + complete >>共 228
just 13.60%
successfully 6.21%
recently 5.08%
yet 4.97%
already 4.83%
never 4.58%
also 4.44%
nearly 3.27%
a_deal 2.91%
almost 2.66%
successfully + v. >>共 973
defend 4.57%
complete 3.65%
use 3.21%
argue 2.59%
sue 2.32%
test 1.77%
lobby 1.69%
launch 1.69%
fight 1.50%
prosecute 1.38%
每页显示:    共 174