1.   Big business joined together to form a climate change coalition to lobby successfully against the protocol.

2.   Inevitably he came into conflict with the developers, who lobbied successfully to destroy his project.

3.   Amateur boxing officials have long claimed their sport is far safer than the pros and have lobbied successfully to keep it in the Olympics.

4.   Anselmo successfully lobbied the Reagan administration to open the international satellite market to competition, Pike said.

5.   Because of the hardship on passengers who use wheelchairs, advocates for disabled travelers successfully lobbied for the airlines and the Federal Aviation Administration to change the restriction.

6.   A decade ago, park officials kept trees and bushes neatly groomed, but rangers successfully lobbied for a more natural look.

7.   A group of them helped to successfully lobby for passage of a federal bill that sharply restricts the appeals of death row inmates.

8.   A similar effort occurred two decades ago, when workers in nonprofit hospitals lobbied successfully to change a federal labor law that had prevented them from forming a union.

9.   A World War II Army veteran who served several years in the Pacific, Boland supported the military and successfully lobbied to reinstate registration for the draft.

10.   Activists have successfully lobbied state legislatures to stiffen punishments for cruelty to animals.

d. + lobby >>共 169
hard 24.07%
also 10.78%
heavily 6.18%
successfully 5.82%
aggressively 3.45%
personally 3.23%
actively 2.66%
vigorously 2.51%
unsuccessfully 2.37%
strongly 2.16%
successfully + v. >>共 973
defend 4.57%
complete 3.65%
use 3.21%
argue 2.59%
sue 2.32%
test 1.77%
lobby 1.69%
launch 1.69%
fight 1.50%
prosecute 1.38%
每页显示:    共 80