1.   Moreover, prosecutors argued successfully that Lee should not be released on bail.

2.   Defence Minister Moshe Arens had successfully argued that defence spending could not be reduced in the light of the ongoing Gulf crisis.

3.   It was successfully argued that the phrase is or could only relate to a customer when the soliciting is taking place.

4.   Assistant State Attorney Rick Penalta successfully argued for a higher bail.

5.   At that time, Microsoft successfully argued that the Supreme Court should not hear the case ahead of the appeals court.

6.   Attorney General Janet Reno successfully argued the case herself before the court in January.

7.   Attorney Michael Kolker successfully argued to have the criminal case against Park thrown out at both the Superior Court and the state Appeals Court levels.

8.   Attorney Robert Proctor, who has successfully argued against several affirmative action cases in the metro area, is representing Northlake Foods.

9.   Blute said members who favor a wage increase successfully argued against that approach.

d. + argue >>共 356
also 30.24%
long 6.40%
successfully 3.39%
still 3.23%
even 1.97%
strongly 1.97%
otherwise 1.97%
now 1.78%
unsuccessfully 1.59%
vehemently 1.59%
successfully + v. >>共 973
defend 4.57%
complete 3.65%
use 3.21%
argue 2.59%
sue 2.32%
test 1.77%
lobby 1.69%
launch 1.69%
fight 1.50%
prosecute 1.38%
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