1.   Throughout the property Market, deals that had been nearly completed were called off.

2.   The Eastern District Leagues are nearly completed but only the first of the six divisions has been decided.

3.   At his death he was working on a history of Germany from Bismarck to Helmut Kohl and had nearly completed an account of World War II and its consequences.

4.   Because the Hollywood tunnel is nearly completed, White said it would be unlikely to cancel that project.

5.   A settlement, reached after a trial was nearly completed, left Peterson with a substantial Crow Co. stake.

6.   After days of intense air attacks, the U.S. military said Monday that it has nearly completed the destruction of a massive underground terrorist complex in eastern Afghanistan.

7.   But a House-Senate conference has nearly completed a compromise measure.

8.   By the time the grant application was rejected, however, Venter had nearly completed the sequencing with alternative financing.

9.   Construction is nearly completed, and the builder said recently that no one had told him to stop work.

10.   Federal prosecutors investigating allegations that several Boston police detectives pocketed cash seized in drug raids have nearly completed presenting their case against the officers to a grand jury.

d. + complete >>共 228
just 13.60%
successfully 6.21%
recently 5.08%
yet 4.97%
already 4.83%
never 4.58%
also 4.44%
nearly 3.27%
a_deal 2.91%
almost 2.66%
nearly + v. >>共 1019
double 4.92%
be 2.99%
lose 2.47%
die 2.24%
kill 2.05%
have 1.90%
go 1.61%
triple 1.58%
fall 1.48%
come 1.45%
complete 1.38%
每页显示:    共 92