1.   She successfully prosecuted her boss for sexual harassment.

2.   Under the law of obscene libel, almost any work dealing with sexual passion could be successfully prosecuted.

3.   But despite their efforts, only three thousand cases were successfully prosecuted.

4.   It regards itself as the guardian of the water environment and has successfully prosecuted thirty polluters so far, with many cases still pending.

5.   Although Starr has successfully prosecuted a number of former associates of the Clintons, the special prosecutor has not implicated the first couple.

6.   And it has successfully prosecuted both Croats and Muslims, as well as Serbs, for crimes in the earlier, Bosnian war.

7.   Authorities said they could not remember an instance when timber theft had been successfully prosecuted.

8.   Also, US officials have been frustrated by the fact that Aruba has never successfully prosecuted a money-laundering case despite apparent involvement by businessmen on the island.

9.   But lawyers say that winning a new trial for someone who was successfully prosecuted by McMahon or members of his audience would not be so simple.

d. + prosecute >>共 136
not 15.16%
never 10.65%
successfully 8.27%
ever 7.52%
also 4.89%
rarely 3.88%
still 2.76%
criminally 2.38%
vigorously 2.26%
then 1.75%
successfully + v. >>共 973
defend 4.57%
complete 3.65%
use 3.21%
argue 2.59%
sue 2.32%
test 1.77%
lobby 1.69%
launch 1.69%
fight 1.50%
prosecute 1.38%
每页显示:    共 66