1.   Dr. William Jenkins at the San Francisco campus developed four colorful computer games with processed speech.

2.   Half got all the computer games and one-on-one exercises with processed speech.

3.   Processed speech, played on a tape recorder, is also used in a variety of one-on-one exercises with the children.

4.   Processed speech is the grammar they can use to win points in the computer games, he said, and they play to win.

5.   To a normal adult, the processed speech sounds like someone shouting underwater.

6.   Thus came the patented invention of processed speech, a key innovation at Scientific Learning.

a. + speech >>共 1037
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public 2.76%
major 2.53%
first 2.42%
brief 2.28%
union 2.07%
opening 2.01%
inaugural 2.01%
processed 0.13%
processed + n. >>共 126
food 39.07%
meat 6.84%
product 6.18%
cheese 3.75%
waste 1.77%
goods 1.55%
fruit 1.32%
speech 1.32%
beef 1.32%
sugar 1.10%
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