1.   Already, much of their canned tomatoes and processed fruits is finding its way to markets in the Arab Gulf and Eastern Europe.

2.   Caragay says the nutrient level is comparable to that in other processed fruits and vegetables, for instance canned products.

3.   Processed fruits and vegetables often have lower levels of pesticide residues than fresh because they are peeled and because they do not have to be cosmetically perfect.

4.   Increases also were seen in dairy products, processed fruit and vegetables, poultry meat, fresh vegetables, wine and beer and pet foods.

5.   The slowdown of trade in processed fruit reflects the large reduction in export availability of pineapple products from Thailand, the leading exporter, caused by two consecutive droughts.

6.   Under GATT, oranges imported to the EU for juice-making were reclassified as table rather than processed fruit, thus attracting a higher tariff.

a. + fruit >>共 720
fresh 21.01%
tropical 4.44%
citrus 4.24%
ripe 1.77%
canned 1.41%
wild 1.37%
exotic 1.22%
red 1.18%
local 0.90%
imported 0.90%
processed 0.24%
processed + n. >>共 126
food 39.07%
meat 6.84%
product 6.18%
cheese 3.75%
waste 1.77%
goods 1.55%
fruit 1.32%
speech 1.32%
beef 1.32%
sugar 1.10%
每页显示:    共 6