1.   Eat fewer fatty foods such as processed meats and meat products, pies, pastries, crisps and ice cream.

2.   Most of the beef exported ends up as hamburgers, pet food, processed meats and baby foods.

3.   We are therefore exploring opportunities for divesting it from the group and have already successfully negotiated a number of disposals, including the sale of its processed meats division.

4.   Already this year, the Department of Agriculture has announced eight recalls because of listeria, seven of processed meats and one of milk.

5.   Bemis is the leading producer in those markets, which serve the processed meat, poultry, candy and snack industries.

6.   According to federal regulations, the processed meat is not supposed to contain any bones, bone marrow or spinal cord tissue.

7.   Federal inspectors are now being directed to look more carefully at the processed meat to insure that it does not contain unwanted parts.

8.   I ate a lot of pizza and processed meat and red meat.

9.   It makes Supro soy proteins, which are used in infant formulas, processed meat, poultry and seafood products.

10.   Noel makes flour-based products, including bread and cookies, along with candy and processed meat, and is rapidly expanding in the Andean region.

a. + meat >>共 628
raw 5.71%
grilled 3.30%
fresh 3.17%
eating 2.83%
contaminated 2.45%
infected 2.20%
chicken 1.90%
dark 1.86%
lean 1.82%
cooked 1.73%
processed 1.31%
processed + n. >>共 126
food 39.07%
meat 6.84%
product 6.18%
cheese 3.75%
waste 1.77%
goods 1.55%
fruit 1.32%
speech 1.32%
beef 1.32%
sugar 1.10%
每页显示:    共 31