1.   He will need to sell his candidacy and meet the Democratic air attack with regularly televised speeches from the Senate floor.

2.   The Prime Minister answered his critics in a televised speech.

3.   ...a nationally televised speech.

4.   Declaring the beginning of the Third Republic, Mobutu in his televised speech said that a new constitution would be drawn up and a transitional government appointed.

5.   As he did in his nationally televised speech on Thursday night, Clinton emphasized that difficult and dangerous challenges still remain in defending the peace in Kosovo.

6.   As Netanyahu talked tough, Clinton went directly to the Israeli people, with a nationally televised speech, to ask them to maintain faith in the peace process.

7.   Both parties hire stage directors, makeup artists and cadres of script censors charged with keeping all the televised speeches on message.

8.   But later, in a televised speech at Moscow State University, Clinton was tougher on Chechnya.

9.   But then, in a nationally televised speech, the paratrooper-turned-president abandoned the incendiary language that marks much of his political discourse.

10.   By midnight, officials loyal to Chavez were delivering triumphant nationally televised speeches in celebration of their return to power.

a. + speech >>共 1037
televised 3.97%
political 3.84%
recent 2.99%
public 2.76%
major 2.53%
first 2.42%
brief 2.28%
union 2.07%
opening 2.01%
inaugural 2.01%
televised + n. >>共 367
debate 14.34%
address 13.52%
speech 8.23%
interview 5.37%
game 5.24%
image 1.95%
ceremony 1.82%
hearing 1.69%
trial 1.60%
statement 1.56%
每页显示:    共 189