1.   The agreement covered industrial goods, processed agricultural goods and fish.

2.   Cargill and Archer Daniels Midland expect to sell more processed goods, like soybean meal and vegetable oil.

3.   Exports of processed goods are seen falling.

4.   The document suggests national standards for organic produce, livestock and processed goods.

5.   In addition, the strong appreciation of the Swedish krona during the last year had meant that Swedish export industries had lost market share for processed goods.

6.   Japanese trading companies specialise in buying and selling a wide range of merchandise both at home and abroad including raw materials and processed goods.

7.   The Daewoo delegation also discussed measures to boost bilateral trade in processed goods, light industrial products and metal, Lee said.

a. + goods >>共 807
durable 7.72%
imported 5.38%
sporting 4.10%
manufactured 3.26%
stolen 3.03%
household 2.86%
foreign 2.60%
humanitarian 2.28%
japanese 2.15%
electronic 2.14%
processed 0.10%
processed + n. >>共 126
food 39.07%
meat 6.84%
product 6.18%
cheese 3.75%
waste 1.77%
goods 1.55%
fruit 1.32%
speech 1.32%
beef 1.32%
sugar 1.10%
每页显示:    共 7