51.   Based on what we know about this generation, the next Jordan is probably going to feel that the question shows him a lack of respect.

52.   Before the meal, you probably went to the washroom.

53.   Belle is probably going to win the vote, and fans in Cleveland have no doubt about his candidacy.

54.   Because money is flowing in, stocks are probably going to be OK for a period of time.

55.   Billings, the author, said that the shoes and other personal artifacts recovered would probably go into a naval museum being built at Kure.

56.   Black said McCain probably went because Keating was close to being the political godfather of Arizona and McCain still had plenty of ambition.

57.   Benjamin Rosen said Capstone would probably go public within two years.

58.   Besides, we can probably go faster in a car than the runners can run or wheelchair athletes can wheel.

59.   Boeing is probably going to supply the plane.

60.   Bond said he was hired by AOL in July last year with the understanding that the unit would probably go public within two years.

d. + go >>共 466
also 4.46%
then 4.20%
just 3.74%
never 3.43%
well 3.38%
now 3.12%
so 2.97%
where 2.82%
still 2.77%
when 2.43%
probably 1.12%
probably + v. >>共 943
be 14.53%
have 6.21%
take 1.91%
go 1.77%
make 1.75%
do 1.55%
get 1.43%
come 1.30%
will 1.28%
know 1.23%
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