71.   Aid officials say that some will probably never go back despite the fact that international aid is scheduled to be cut off next year.

72.   Briefly Billy Tubbs said he will probably go with his Wednesday lineup against Louisville on Saturday.

73.   Britain and France are said to favor a ban and would probably go along if the United States took the lead.

74.   Briggle said the fee probably will go into effect next spring in time for the start of the climbing season.

75.   But Bernstein said the prospect of jail probably went too much against the grain.

76.   But Assemblyman Richard L. Brodsky, chairman of the Environmental Conservation Committee, said the state probably could have gone ahead with requiring electric cars this year.

77.   But college students are probably going to be itching to get right out on the Internet.

78.   But a larger share of the credit should probably have gone to Ross Perot, who prevented the Democratic ticket from winning a majority in either year.

79.   But he acknowledged that most cases probably go undetected.

80.   But he probably was going to go home to think about it and hope it carries over into his start.

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