1.   And because the domestic style was unsuited to amplified discourse, the domestic rules of politeness also went by the board.

2.   But much of it also went into the unbridled and anachronistic opulence of the royal family and the main tribal chiefs.

3.   Crabb was also going to wear a black rubber one-piece diving suit made by the Avon Rubber Company.

4.   Emotional thinking, the next step in emotional develop-ment, and attention also go hand in hand.

5.   His playing time evaporated until just before the break and his numbers also went south.

6.   I also go to conferences, seminars, speak on programmes like Farming Today, appear on television and write letters.

7.   I also went to classes at the local clinic but they were a low-key sort of affair.

8.   It is also going for a different approach to merchandising in store, for example siting Waistline beside fresh produce.

9.   Material which starts out at regional May also go on to be used on the national networks.

d. + go >>共 466
also 4.46%
then 4.20%
just 3.74%
never 3.43%
well 3.38%
now 3.12%
so 2.97%
where 2.82%
still 2.77%
when 2.43%
also + v. >>共 856
say 5.73%
be 5.05%
have 4.37%
make 1.46%
include 1.16%
take 1.08%
call 1.07%
want 1.00%
help 0.99%
expect 0.91%
go 0.38%
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