1.   - call me if you need anything.see youinformal used when saying goodbye to a friend who you will see again soon?

2.   See you, Darren.?

3.   After the Labour Party conference, he stated that we could now go forward as a united party.

4.   Early potatoes should be sprouted indoors now to go out in spring.

5.   Five hundred posts which would have been either created or protected here will now go overseas.

6.   Go on now, if I need anything else it call you.

7.   He must go now, to the apartment block, and make his calls on the tenants.

8.   I am now going to offer you five ways of interpreting the cross.

9.   I had better go now and pay my respects to the petty bourgeoisie.

d. + go >>共 466
also 4.46%
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now 3.12%
so 2.97%
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when 2.43%
now + v. >>共 862
be 15.90%
have 5.49%
do 1.66%
live 1.61%
know 1.53%
come 1.37%
go 1.35%
want 1.16%
face 1.12%
work 1.10%
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