51.   It would probably be too slow to bring the hope now needed to avoid social unrest and possible collapse.

52.   Its total population in the mid-nineteenth century was probably in excess of many medieval hamlets or even small villages.

53.   More probably it was to do with each member representing one of the lunar months of the year.

54.   My best bet would probably be to fly into one of the neighbouring states and sneak over the border at night.

55.   Neither team is likely to take any unnecessary risks, so the result will probably be a draw.

56.   Otherwise, Tucsonans should merely leave the bees alone, and the scared news stories will probably be things of the past.

57.   People who are allergic to eggs will probably be allergic to Egg Beaters since they contain egg white.

58.   Perquisites are probably at a relatively low level, with the exception of the pension.

59.   Probably he was too young for them.

60.   Probably Honey Buzzards are regular passage migrants there, at least in autumn.

d. + be >>共 431
also 9.77%
now 5.95%
so 4.39%
not 3.58%
always 3.27%
never 3.12%
where 3.06%
when 2.76%
still 2.42%
already 2.09%
probably 1.49%
probably + v. >>共 943
be 14.53%
have 6.21%
take 1.91%
go 1.77%
make 1.75%
do 1.55%
get 1.43%
come 1.30%
will 1.28%
know 1.23%
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