1.   I personally was born into a poor family and know well the rigors and hardship that accompany genuine need.

2.   Personally they are petty, self-indulgent and vengeful to a degree that suggests galloping megalomania.

3.   They personally would be too embarrassed to talk to a cripple, let alone argue with one.

4.   I had been fearing, I realize, that she would ask Summerchild if he personally was happy.

5.   Personally I am all for the guilty being run to ground.

6.   Mr Millan personally was in favour of a large degree of devolution and said it helped European regional policy to work more effectively.

7.   And buying toys for underprivileged kids is cool, but he figures delivering them personally is cooler.

8.   And he personally is not enthused that the words he write have the power to topple, sway or flatten markets.

9.   And he personally is not enthused that the words he writes have the power to topple, sway or flatten markets.

10.   And personally he is engaging.

d. + be >>共 431
also 9.77%
now 5.95%
so 4.39%
not 3.58%
always 3.27%
never 3.12%
where 3.06%
when 2.76%
still 2.42%
already 2.09%
personally 0.03%
personally + v. >>共 644
take 5.33%
know 2.79%
intervene 2.54%
be 2.23%
meet 1.86%
deliver 1.58%
oppose 1.38%
order 1.30%
think 1.27%
lobby 1.27%
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