1.   Although for a time Simone tagged along in his life, he never took the affair seriously.

2.   And never take more than one cookie when offered the cookie jar.

3.   And we tell our graduate students that they must never take such risks, construing as scruple what in fact is timidity.

4.   Certain kinds of drug are not compatible and should never be taken together.

5.   He never took any notice of the baby, even when it screamed.

6.   He never took piano lessons - he just plays by ear.

7.   He will work for your financial independence and will never take advantage or misuse your money for his own good.

8.   I apologize, it never takes this long.

9.   I knew he would never take on students in a language he did not speak.

d. + take >>共 428
also 13.83%
seriously 3.65%
not 3.35%
then 3.13%
never 3.06%
now 2.60%
longer 2.50%
when 2.39%
already 2.36%
just 2.25%
never + v. >>共 731
be 8.25%
have 4.46%
see 3.38%
get 2.63%
know 2.39%
make 2.00%
come 1.51%
do 1.48%
go 1.47%
hear 1.45%
take 1.22%
每页显示:    共 1290