1.   A white van was seen in the vicinity at about the time when the murder took place.

2.   Converse said, when Smitty took the towel from his mouth.

3.   First, the cheque which Y had given X when Y took delivery of the car from X, was dishonoured.

4.   For those few seconds when they are taking aim, the soldiers are exposed to enemy fire.

5.   Foreign investment peaked in November, when overseas investors took advantage of low prices.

6.   He never seems to notice when people take advantage of him.

7.   He never used to notice when people took advantage of him, so I started pointing it out.

8.   He received it the next morning when he took his usual letter to the stage door.

9.   He was only a few weeks away from his ninetieth birthday when pneumonia again took up residence in his weary lungs.

10.   In her defence, the accused said that she had been acting under duress when she took the money.

d. + take >>共 428
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when + v. >>共 815
be 14.56%
come 2.60%
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say 1.42%
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