1.   And no matter how many times you revisit the place, it never gets better.

2.   But apparently Hasler never got the go-ahead from higher-ups to make the payments, the Journal reported.

3.   But I never got the grant, and I chucked Cassatt and Morisot.

4.   But it never got that far because Kasser fired his pre-emptive strike.

5.   But that old squirrel never got far from the next pounce.

6.   But they are like the piano player at a bordello, always playing around the action, but never getting very close.

7.   Each car behaves differently so you never get tired of using the program.

8.   Eva was more lucid than most of the other women, yet she never got out of the locked ward.

9.   Everyone was shouting at me, and I never got a chance to defend myself.

10.   Finnane said he and Fitzgerald never got as far as negotiating with anybody, though San Francisco officials seemed to feel otherwise.

d. + get >>共 341
also 8.83%
never 7.96%
how 6.02%
just 5.65%
finally 4.00%
only 3.24%
where 3.01%
still 2.89%
even 2.75%
now 2.38%
never + v. >>共 731
be 8.25%
have 4.46%
see 3.38%
get 2.63%
know 2.39%
make 2.00%
come 1.51%
do 1.48%
go 1.47%
hear 1.45%
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