21.   I obviously made some fundamental mistakes within the first few days of my move.

22.   I remember so well my first day there.

23.   I start counting from Wednesday which I know because it was the first day of term.

24.   I still have a vivid picture in my head of my first day in Paris.

25.   I still remember my first day of school.

26.   In his first day, Bulger began boning up on university business and spoke by phone with campus chancellors.

27.   In the first few days of trading this year, nervous investors have already punished high-technology companies that have reported disappointing earnings.

28.   In the opening chapter, Ramona sits at the breakfast table thinking about the first day of school.

29.   Irene had had to coax her back to class after the first day.

a. + day >>共 390
next 12.78%
second 7.51%
recent 7.46%
first 6.47%
same 4.54%
last 3.99%
straight 2.84%
third 2.72%
coming 2.30%
final 2.13%
first + n. >>共 866
time 17.03%
half 3.66%
round 3.47%
day 2.41%
step 2.05%
game 1.75%
quarter 1.68%
year 1.32%
inning 1.07%
meeting 1.03%
每页显示:    共 4442