1.   Alongside me was Sam Ratcliffe who, at the tender age of sixteen, had already had quite a bit of publicity.

2.   Already the game has a higher profile.

3.   Already we have a few examples of the end-product of several stages of processing, although we do not yet understand the mechanisms.

4.   Anything longer-and unless part of it is very familiar to us already we have to use crutches.

5.   Both wanted to be actresses and had already had minor parts on the stage in small theaters.

6.   But I already have too much blood on my hands.

7.   But the cell must already have an internal system which can respond to such signals and again the signal is being selective.

8.   But the Detroit metropolitan area, comprising various cities in three surrounding counties, already has regional governmental authorities.

d. + have >>共 277
also 18.35%
yet 11.36%
still 9.07%
now 4.46%
never 3.66%
already 2.75%
not 2.46%
just 2.25%
so 2.17%
where 1.83%
already + v. >>共 900
be 9.57%
have 5.78%
begin 2.65%
make 1.95%
take 1.63%
know 1.57%
do 1.37%
start 1.25%
say 1.20%
see 0.78%
每页显示:    共 3525