71.  A big bowl of salad, some crusty bread and fresh fruit is all you would need to serve alongside.

72.  A big box of chocolates was handed round.

73.  A big brown beard covered the lower half of his thin, pale, serious face.

74.  A big crowd started to gather as Greg got on a real head of steam.

75.  A big Irish barman pulled me a pint of beer.

76.  A big jar of purple wild flowers and eucalyptus stood on the top of a pile of library books.

77.  A big loss of foreign business, they reasoned, would matter more to the political leaders.

78.  A big pink blob of a face was at the window, peering in at him.

79.  A big reason is that many sportscasters are ex-athletes and few of the rest follow racing.

80.  A big unknown is the fate of federal support for wind power.

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