91.  A bit of companionship with fellow climbers and walkers is just the job at the end of a hard day.

92.  A bit of detergent should get that stain out of your collar.

93.  A bit of fresh air and exercise will do her a world of good.

94.  A bit too frail and woolly for the rough and tumble of ordinary practice.

95.  A bitter wind scurried among the branches of the trees that rose above and behind the stark line of old-fashioned eagle cages.

96.  A black feather boa, perhaps bought for the Black Ascot, curved lavishly round to cancel any suggestion of nakedness.

97.  A black flotilla of clouds rose towering over the mountains and advanced on the house.

98.  A black knight appeared, as though out of profound shadow, on the surface of the ultimately narrow board.

99.  A black leather swivel chair was angled to face in the direction of the television.

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